Confirmation Ministry 2021-22

The Lord’s Prayer

Confirmation Small Groups will begin on Wednesday, October 6th! NO CONFIRMATION on October 20th and November 24th!

  • Large Group lesson is incorporated into worship service which begins at 6:30pm. The whole family is invited to attend worship together! Worship is livestreamed on our Facebook page.

  • Small Group time follows worship until 8pm. There are 2 options for small group experiences this fall—In-person or Online via zoom. Choose at registration time or shift to online as needed.

  • No dinners this year!!

  • Our last session will be on Wed. December 15th!

  • 2021-2022 Confirmation Schedule

Online Confirmation Small Groups

  • Zoom Link for small group meeting at 7:30pm beginning October 6th!

  • Handouts (password protected/email Sarah G. if need password)

Confirmation Large Group Lessons in Worship