Pastor Christoph Schmidt
Pastor Christoph was called to serve Grace Lutheran in 2021. He loves being part of a warm, welcoming congregation that values good worship, faith development, hospitality, mission, and service. He also loves serving a congregation that hosts community meals and eats together.
Previously, Pastor Christoph served in a two-point parish in the oil patch of western North Dakota, and as a campus pastor for Lutheran Campus Ministry. He attended Concordia College in Moorhead, the University of Washington, and the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia.
When not pastoring, Pastor Christoph enjoys woodworking, exercise, music, and spending time with his wife, Taryn, and their four delightfully rambunctious children - Maggie, Rhoda, Peter, & Roland.
Sue joined Grace Lutheran’s staff in 2022. As Office Administrator she overseas all aspects of the parish. If you need anything or have any questions, please email admin@gracehermantown.org, call (218) 729-9054, or just stop by the office to say hello!
Sue’s office hours are Monday-Thursday, 9am-3pm.
Director of Youth & Family Ministry - Currently Vacant
Executive Team
Executive Co-Directors: Mark & Rene Munger
Secretary: Peggy Lipinski
Treasurer: Bob Lund, Jr.
Assistant Treasurer: vacant
Ministry Teams
Caring Ministry
Provide care and support of Grace Lutheran’s congregation & staff by promoting initiatives and programs that support the physical, spiritual, and emotional wellness of persons involved in the life and ministry of Grace Lutheran.
Team Leader: Jeanne Rodrigue
Mission, Outreach, & Social Action
Find and provide opportunities for this church and members to express love and assistance to others locally, regionally, and worldwide; be aware of issues in our society that should be addressed by the Church and this congregation; provide opportunities for this congregation and members to take part in mission work through prayer, financial support, material support and personal involvement; keep the congregation informed of local, regional, national and worldwide mission activities and opportunities.
Team Leader: Edna Blanchard
Christian Education
Encourage life-long faith formation and learning among all participants in this congregation's life and ministry; plan, administer and supervise the Christian educational programs of this congregation for its members of all ages.
Team Leader: vacant
Study Scriptural principles regarding the total stewardship calling of the Christian and initiate programs for the development of good stewardship attitudes in the members of this congregation in regard to time, talents, treasures, and the care of creation; to provide opportunities for congregational members to develop and utilize their talents in the life, mission, and ministry of this congregation; to work to ensure the financial stability of this congregation and its work through a program of dedicated proportionate giving.
Team Leader: Tom Lipinski
Oversee the proper protection, maintenance, and improvement of all the property of this congregation, and to keep it in good repair, with the safety of the public in mind.
Team Leader: Amy Thorson
Worship & Music
Assist the Congregation Council in seeing that the services of God's house are conducted regularly and in accordance with the liturgy and practice of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America; and together with the pastor(s) plan, coordinate, and supervise everything pertaining to congregational worship.
Team Leader: Judy Granmo
Youth & Family
Involve the youth and families of this congregation in the work of Christ; provide for their spiritual growth and nurture; and promote Christian fellowship and support for the youth and families of this congregation.
Team Leader: vacant